主席Foad Shaikhzadeh

Foad Shaikhzadeh

Mr. Shaikhzadeh于1979年1月加入巴西的Furukawa 工业 S/A. 从那时起, 他在公司担任过技术总经理等多个职位, 库里蒂巴工厂总经理兼系统工程部副总裁.

2001年4月,他被任命为古里蒂巴Furukawa Electric LatAm的总裁, 巴西, 负责生产, sales 和 technology development of Communications 解决方案 products 和 services in Latin America. During the last years he exp和ed Furukawa’s leadership in 以前 connectivity 和 the structured cabling for LAN networks in that region, 以及在欧洲日益增长的影响力, 非洲, 和东南亚.

Mr. Shaikhzadeh是古川电气公司的高级副总裁.,日本. 2021年12月,他被任命为OFS Fitel的董事长, 从2022年1月起担任LCC的临时首席执行官.

Mr. Shaikhzadeh holds an Electronics Engineering degree from Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo. 他还完成了funda o Getulio Vargas的高管教育课程.




在加入OFS之前,她. Hulse worked in global materials companies including Corning Incorporated where she held roles including Global Marketing Manager Environmental 产品, 上海康宁有限公司总经理, 和总统, 康宁电缆系统, 中国. She also served as VP of 工业 Steel Wire Asia 和 then North America for Bekaert Corporation 和 most recently as President of the Thermal 产品 Division of Morgan Advanced Materials. 她的职位包括工程、销售、营销和综合管理. 在她的职业生涯中,她曾在美国、德国和中国生活和工作.

Ms. Hulse holds a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering from Purdue University 和 an MBA from Cornell’s Johnson School of Management. 她已婚,有三个成年子女,现居住在乔治亚州的诺克罗斯. 她喜欢旅行。, 阅读, 水上运动, 为匹兹堡钢人队加油, 和家人共度时光.

Jane Cercena,特种纤维高级副总裁

Jane Cercena, Fiber高级副总裁 & 电缆北美和特种光纤

Jane Cercena是高级副总裁, Specialty Fiber for OFS responsible for global operations of all specialty fiber manufacturing serving the multiple industries supplied by the company.

Most recently serving OFS as Vice President 和 General Manager of the OFS Avon 和 Somerset Specialty Fiber operations, Dr. Cercena effectively brought two operations together 和 streamlined production to support the accelerated development 和 roll out of key new products, 包括光纤激光器和形状传感器.

Dr. Cercena joined OFS in 2010 after holding various directorial positions in Global Strategy 和 Research & 罗杰斯公司和圣戈班的发展.

Dr. Cercena’s educational background includes Post Doctoral research at the University of Massachusetts where she performed research on high performance materials; a PhD in Materials Science, Polymer Chemistry from the University of Connecticut; 和 a B.S. 在化学, 她以优异成绩毕业于康涅狄格大学有机化学专业.

Dr. Cercena总部位于康涅狄格州埃文的OFS特种光纤业务.

大卫J. DiGiovanni,首席技术官

大卫J. DiGiovanni

大卫J. DiGiovanni是OFS Fitel的首席技术官, beat365体育亚洲官网在线, 也是OFS实验室的总裁, OFS的中心研究机构,由研发部组成, 以及新命名的产品实现中心.

Dr. DiGiovanni began his career in the 光纤 Research Department of Bell Laboratories 和 has weathered the transition from AT&T to Lucent to OFS working to advance the science 和 application of optical fiber technology in various research 和 management capacities. 他从事与光纤设计有关的各种现象的研究, 制造与应用, 并在放大器用掺铒光纤方面做出了突出贡献, 拉曼放大, 高功率放大器和激光器, 还有一些光学元件. He has enabled the transfer of many of these technologies from the research lab to new products.

Dr. DiGiovanni holds several degrees from Brown University, including a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. 他是IEEE的成员和OSA的研究员.



阿施施甘地是首席财务官 & OFS财务主管,负责公司的财务、信息技术和战略规划工作.

Mr. 甘地, 谁被任命为该职位,8月1日生效, 2009, 曾担任公司的财务总监 & 财务主管, 负责协调, planning 和 reporting on the company’s financial activities 和 has held other top financial 和 operations positions at OFS.

在此之前,他是. 甘地 worked in the Treasury Department for Lucent Technologies in the Customer Finance 和 Credit areas covering both North America 和 Latin America 和 held a range of senior financial positions in Dubai 和 India with KPMG 和 Saatchi & 萨奇广告.

Mr. 甘地 has an accounting degree from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 和 an MBA from The University of Virginia.

Satoshi Koyanagi,战略与规划副总裁

战略副总裁Satoshi Koyanagi & 规划

Satoshi Koyanagi是战略副总裁 & 规划, responsible for the definition 和 development of strategic initiatives for OFS in collaboration with the OFS executive leadership team 和 parent company Furukawa Electric Co, 有限公司. (FEC)

Mr. Koyanagi于1996年加入FEC, 最近担任全公司转型项目经理, 在广泛的FEC业务中领导文化转型活动. He also served as vice president in optical solution product manufacturing for Furukawa Electric LatAm (巴西) 和 general manager of engineering in Furukawa FITEL (Thail和), 哪些生产市场领先的光学元件.

Mr. Koyanagi holds both a bachelor’s 和 a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Hokkaido University, 札幌,日本.

Mr. Koyanagi在乔治亚州诺克罗斯的OFS总部工作.

Robert Lake,高级副总裁,法律和OFS秘书

Robert Lake,法律高级副总裁兼OFS秘书

Mr. Robert Lake是OFS高级副总裁兼秘书. 他负责公司除知识产权以外的所有法律事务.

刚从法学院毕业. 雷克加入了AT&T headquarters where he worked on federal regulatory 和 commercial law matters in New York City 和 Basking Ridge, 新泽西. 1993年,他加入了AT&T网线系统, OFS的前身组织, 诺, 乔治亚州, 从事范围广泛的国内和国际法律事务. Mr. 朗讯科技从AT分拆出来后,Lake继续留在OFS&1996年收购了T公司,2001年收购了OFS公司. Mr. Lake于2007年开始主要负责OFS的法律事务.

Mr. Lake holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wesleyan University 和 a Juris Doctor degree from Washington University School of Law. He also completed executive education programs at the Brookings Institution 和 the Thunderbird School of Global Management. 他已婚,有两个孩子.

Masato Oku,全球纤维制造和技术高级副总裁


Masato Oku是全球纤维制造和技术高级副总裁, responsible for the strategy 和 planning of all fiber operations serving the multiple industries supplied by the company.

最近服务于OFS母公司Furukawa Electric Co . 有限公司. (FEC)担任日本三重光纤生产总经理. 奥库对整个纤维制造业务有直接的管理控制.

Mr. Oku持有名古屋大学化学理学硕士学位.

Mr. 奥库总部设在乔治亚州诺克罗斯的OFS总部.

斯蒂芬妮·Y. 我是首席人力资源官

斯蒂芬妮·Y. Street,人力资源高级副总裁

Stephanie Street自2008年9月15日以来一直领导OFS的人力资源部门.

Ms. 斯特里特的职业生涯始于她在美国的一名军官.S. 陆军通信兵. She held various leadership positions, to include comm和ing a tactical signal company in Europe. 她的平民生涯始于制造业的管理职位. She assumed progressive levels of leadership responsibility 和 management through assignments in Mobil, 博士伦 & 和伊士曼柯达公司.

Ms. Street拥有便利化证书, 以及包括迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(MBTI)管理在内的培训. 她还获得了人力资源高级专家(SPHR)的认证。, 和全球人力资源专家(GPHR).

Ms. Street持有B.A. 美国摩根州立大学言语交际学硕士学位.S. 维拉诺瓦大学人力资源开发专业毕业.

Paulo Zafaneli,北美网络系统高级副总裁

Paulo Zafaneli,北美网络系统高级副总裁

Paulo Zafaneli is Senior Vice President for North America Networking Systems responsible for the overall marketing, 负责公司宽带解决方案的销售和产品管理.

Mr. Zafaneli于1990年8月加入Furukawa Electric Group. 从那时起, he has held many positions in the company including Director 和 General Manager International Markets, 采购和物流主管, 库里蒂巴古川电气拉美公司服务规划和控制负责人, 巴西. During the last years he help exp和ed Furukawa’s 以前 connectivity 和 the structured cabling in Europe, 非洲, 和东南亚.

Mr. Zafaneli holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná 和 a Master of Business Administration from The Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.

Mr. Zafaneli在亚特兰大大都会区的OFS总部工作.


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